Clive Swersky is the host and producer of Alive with Clive — The TV Show That Inspires You To Multiply Your Magnificence!
Clive Swersky, Host and Producer of Alive with Clive and Founder of The Alive with Clive Global Community
He is also the creator of The Alive with Clive Top 20 and the founder of The Alive with Clive Global Community, which you can join, FREE, when you click here. As a member of The Alive with Clive Global Community, you’ll be able to see This Week on Alive with Clive FREE each week, and enjoy a multitude of other benefits too.
Singer/songwriters who are interviewed on Alive with Clive are eligible to be voted into The Alive with Clive Top 20. So far, The FIRST Alive with Clive Top 20 compilation of songs has been created with a song from each singer/songwriter with enough votes to be in The FIRST Alive with Clive Top 20, and is being used to raise at least a billion dollars for people affected by AIDS, and to prevent the further spread of AIDS, in South Africa, where Clive was born.
For more information about The FIRST Alive with Clive Top 20, and to see how you can gain access to this phenomenal compilation of songs, FREE, click here.
In the years ahead, a whole series of additional compilations of Alive with Clive Top 20 songs will be created with songs from singer/songwriters who are voted into The Alive with Clive Top 20.
For more information about Alive with Clive, click here.
To see video clips of musicians who are eligible to be in The Alive with Clive Top 20, click here.