“Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
It’s not warm when she’s away
Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
And she’s always gone too long
Any time she goes away”
That it is how the first verse of the song, “Ain’t No Sunshine,” by Bill Withers goes.
Why, you might ask, have I chosen to start this Blog post with that verse?
Here’s the answer:
In preparation for the first of two shows I taped for Alive with Clive on March 28, 2016, I saw a reference to Bill Withers in the biography of my guest, Robbie Cook, frontman for the band, Cooke.
As a result, I watched the video of Bill Withers performing the song, “Ain’t No Sunshine,” and printed out the lyrics.
It then occurred to me that that song applies on two levels:
First, on a literal level, about a woman in the life of a man.
And, second, to everyone and everything we know who or that adds an enriching dimension to life.
And for the purposes of this email, it applies to singer-songwriters who are featured on Alive with Clive.
Whenever and wherever they perform, they make a powerful and uplifting impact with their self-expression, their love and their light.
Ain’t no sunshine when we don’t get to see or know them!
For a singer-songwriter to be of the caliber to merit an appearance on Alive with Clive, he or she must not only have passion and talent, but must also have developed the discipline and dedication to devote hours upon hours on a consistent basis over many years to practicing and developing his or her craft.
As the Host and Producer of Alive with Clive, I admire and respect that dedication and feel it must be encouraged, nurtured and supported, not just for each singer-songwriter in question, but for the communities with which each singer-songwriter connects and interacts.
Ain’t no sunshine when they’re gone.
And they’re always gone too long,
Any time they go away.
While Alive with Clive has so far managed to make some contribution to more than 280 singer-songwriters who’ve been featured on the show over the past 8 years, it has only just begun to scratch the surface of what it can provide.
For Alive with Clive to keep going and thrive, financial backing and the support of the community are vital.
To those who have already made contributions to The Alive with Clive Crowdfunding Campaign of 2016 (The AWC CFC16), thank you!
And I’d like to extend an extra-special thank you to Jo Blackwell-Preston, Founder and CEO of Dop Dop Salon NYC, for becoming the 1st AWC CFC16 Pioneer Launcher!
With a spurt of contributions to The AWC CFC16 over the next several days, Alive with Clive will be in a much stronger position to attract the attention and garner the support of companies and celebrities.
It will then be able to make a difference for singer-songwriters at a much higher level and cause exposure for them to grow exponentially.
I have therefore created a game for us to play so that we can all have fun generating the funding necessary for Alive with Clive to make a Quantum Leap for the benefit of all the singer-songwriters featured on the show.
The game is called The 1,023 “Every Time It Doubles” Game (The Alive with Clive 1,023 Game) to reach $25,000 in funding as quickly as possible, and I arrived at the name after I created this chart:
As you’ll see, the number of people who contribute to The AWC CFC16 at the $25 Level needs to double just 9 times for us to win this game!
And it has already doubled twice, so it needs to double just 7 more times!
Every time it doubles, I’m going to give one of the contributors who caused it to double a new Alive with Clive Mug!
Remember, the value inherent in the benefits for anyone who contributes to The AWC CFC16 at the $25 Level far exceeds the amount of that investment, especially since I will be including a series of four Webinars worth at least an additional $297 for anyone who makes a contribution at the $25 Level now, so you can only win by participating in The AWC CFC16 and you can be proud to invite your friends to participate too.
For anyone individually, it is not going to involve a lot of time and it is not going to involve a lot of money.
Yet, like minute pixels in an image that represent small amounts of time and money from each one of you, the concentration and accumulation of them together in one place will create one awesome end result for all of us!
If you are reading this Blog post, you are probably connected via email or Facebook to at least 100 people, and may be connected to many more than 1,000.
So after you and just two of your friends contribute at the $25 Level and share The AWC CFC16 on Facebook or Twitter, we will win this game very quickly.
And we will all be enriched when singer-songwriters around us receive as much nurturing and support as we can provide, not only for us among them but for their communities and those they will inspire to follow in their footsteps.
Please take the 5 to 10 minutes necessary contribute $25 or the dollars you can contribute to The AWC CFC16 and share it on Facebook or Twitter now so we can win this very important game over the next few days.
To make your contribution to The AWC CFC16, click here now.
To share The AWC CFC16 on Facebook or Twitter, click here now.
Remember, for sharing The AWC CFC16 on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll receive extra bonuses and you could win an attractive Alive with Clive Mug too.
To make your contribution to The AWC CFC16, click here now.
To share The AWC CFC16 on Facebook or Twitter, click here now.
And here are paragraphs you can copy and paste to send to people you know in an email:
Alive with Clive has created The Alive with Clive 1,023 Game to raise $25,000 as soon as possible through its crowdfunding campaign to continue to provide nurturing and support for today’s top emerging and established singer-songwriters.
All 1,023 people who contribute to the campaign at the $25 Level or higher will enjoy lifetime access to a package of bonuses worth more than $500.
Please consider making a contribution to the campaign or sharing it now.
To make a contribution, go to http://bit.ly/awc_cfc16
To share the campaign, go to http://bit.ly/awc_share_fbortt
Thank you!
[Your name]
I will be providing you with regular updates on how this game is going in the days ahead, and thank you in advance for your contribution and participation.
Thank you.
Best regards.
https://alivewithclive.tv — creating an upward spiral of brilliance and joy in the world!
P.S. If you’ve been considering becoming an AWC CFC16 Pioneer Launcher, in light of all the additional traffic that is going to be going to the Web page for The AWC CFC16 in the days ahead, now would be an excellent time to claim one of the remaining Pioneer Launcher slots after you click here now.