Dan Rauchwerk sings “Skywalker,” “Tears Shaped Like Islands,” “Carthage” and “Modern-Day Explorer”
Answer the questions from the show below to enter The Alive with Clive New Shows Contest .
1. Did I refer to an article from Insight of the Day with the title, Gratitude Napkins, by Linda McLean? Yes or No
2. Dan mentioned that he has been to Hawaii. True or False?
3. Did Dan say that his song, “Victoria,” has a part that requires a guitar? Yes or No
4. For how many songs performed during this show did Dan use a capo on his mandolin? None or One
5. Dan said he now reads books on his iPhone with the Kindle app. True or False?
With The Alive with Clive Crowdfunding Campaign of 2016, Everybody Wins! — To Find Out How, Click Here Now
* Recorded in White Plains, New York, on February 11, 2019.
Blog post about Dan Rauchwerk | 1st Show
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