Hello and Welcome:
In the future, in the table below, you will see the discounts that are available from ten still-to-be-determined Alive with Clive Global Community Discount Providers.
As a Silver or Gold Member you will be able to claim one discount per month from each discount provider after you log into the Members’ Area with your username and password.
Discount Provider # 1 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more | Discount Provider # 2 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more |
Discount Provider # 3 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more | Discount Provider # 4 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more |
Discount Provider # 5 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more | Discount Provider # 6 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more |
Discount Provider # 7 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more | Discount Provider # 8 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more |
Discount Provider # 9 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more | Discount Provider # 10 Discount of $20 for purchases of $80 or more |