Hi Friends:
A look back on the formative years in the blossoming music career of Will Leet, the performing founder and lead vocalist of the band, Instant Treeline, will reveal that three milestones have put him on his current path of pursuing his music career in New York City after graduating with a Major in Economics from the University of Connecticut in 2013:
- When he was 13, his discovery of The Beatles launched him on a quest to learn how to play the guitar and write songs;
- In his freshman year in high school, in a starring role in a production of Footloose, he got to feel how exhilarating it was to command the attention of an audience while performing; and
- When he was in college, he met Chris Burns who is now a journalist with a passion for poetry and the written word.
At the beginning of 2016, Will and Chris rekindled a fruitful writing partnership after a five-year hiatus to collaborate on the creation of songs on the band’s recently-released debut EP, Morning Songs, on which Will plays more than five instruments.
For Instant Treeline’s recording of Morning Songs, Will was joined by Andrew Whitbeck on bass, Dane Scozzari on drums, Tyler Campbell on guitar and Malia Abayon who sang background vocals.
In two recent shows on Alive with Clive, Will performed these songs:
First Show
- “These Days,” about yearning for greater fulfillment;
- “Alienation, Come Entertain,” about taking a path less travelled;
- “Escape New York,” about needing a break from New York City; and
- “Linger,” in which the memory of time spent with someone special is fondly recalled.
Second Show
- “No New Place,” about taking stock of one’s life upon the imminent arrival of a New Year;
- “Just For Me,” about getting ready mentally to give notice to quit a job;
- “Cloudy Day,” about being in a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable; and
- “Go and Find the Wine,” about spending an evening with a former lover.
Here are the links to the two shows featuring Will Leet from Instant Treeline on Alive with Clive:
When you listen to the songs of Instant Treeline, you will find yourself discovering hidden enlightening nuances that are subtly embedded in the poetic lyrics. Thus, the more you listen to the songs, the more you are sure to find yourself enjoying them.
So far in 2017, Instant Treeline is scheduled to perform at The Way Station in Brooklyn on January 25, and at Rockwood Music Hall on February 15.
Best regards.
https://alivewithclive.tv – where today’s top singer-songwriters thrive!