Jon Christopher Allen — 2nd of 2 Shows

Jon Christopher Allen  2nd Show, September 20, 2013 

Singer-songwriter, Jon Christopher

Singer-songwriter, Jon Christopher Allen

Answer the questions from the show below to enter the Contest for The 1st Alive with Clive 10K Charity Extravaganza, win prizes, and cause $10 from funds available for charities to go to the charity you select.



1. During my Words of Wisdom segment, did I refer to a quote from Leonardo da Vinci? Yes or No

2. In Jon’s song, “Keep a Light On,” you hear him sing: “Follow your truth, it will lead you; don’t forget, when you’re out there on your own.” True or False

3. Which song did Jon say he converted into a song from a poem he had written and found on his old computer?

4. During the interview, I mentioned two famous artists. One was Picasso and the other was ______?

5. Is the fourth song Jon performed during this interview on his CD, Jon Christopher? Yes or No


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