Kristen Plati sings “Shadows,” “You I Need,” “Armed” and “Lost in Us”
Answer the questions from the show below to enter The Alive with Clive New Shows Contest .
1. Did I mention that I invited Kristen to be on Alive with Clive after I saw her show at Rockwood Music Hall? Yes or No
2. Kristen said that the title for her album “Find Me Lost” was derived from her song, “Shadows.” True or False?
3. Did Kristen say that “You I Need” was written purely on emotion? Yes or No
4. Kristen said that she wrote her song, “Armed,” on a flight from Perth to New York City. True or False?
5. Did Kristen say that “Lost in Us” is the last song that made it onto her album? Yes or No
With The Alive with Clive Crowdfunding Campaign of 2016, Everybody Wins! — To Find Out How, Click Here Now
* Recorded in White Plains, New York, on June 21, 2019.
Blog post about Kristen Plati | 2nd Show
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