Mystery Solved: The Picture I Don’t Think I Can Post on Facebook

Hi Friends:

If you’ve been following Alive with Clive on Facebook, you’ll know that I recently posted this picture with the caption:

To create a mystery, post a picture like this, and then everyone will start wondering: “Who could it be?”


I would imagine you’re probably asking yourself:

Why the mystery and intrigue?

Here’s the answer:

Now that I’ve recently begun to promote one of my other offerings on the Back For The Future Fanpage I recently created on Facebook, I’m gaining additional experience with Facebook Advertising Guidelines.

In one of the first ads I created to promote the E-Course I’ve made available at, I used the picture of a man in profile wearing a black sweater bent over slightly with his hand on his back and a grimace on his face.

After I sought approval for the ad, I received the following message from Facebook:

Your ad wasn’t approved because it promotes a health product by focusing on an ideal physical body image. Images that show a type of body as being perfect or undesirable (ex: focusing on abs or belly fat) are not accepted.

I applaud Facebook’s desire to create an appealing, uplifting and enriching user experience for its users in accordance with the standards it has set, and so from now on I pay extra careful attention to the pictures I select to accompany the ads and posts I place on Facebook.

Recently, though, on the way to taking pictures before the taping of the 2nd of 2 shows featuring Liz Brennan with her drummer, Devin Collins on Alive with Clive, I happened to notice an opportunity to take a remarkable picture you’re about to see below.

While some people wear their heart on their sleave, others like Devin wear their art on their stomach, chest and heart.

After I saw the amazing tattoo on Devin’s stomach and chest, I asked him if we could take a picture of it, and he said yes.

For the reason stated above, since I’m not sure if the picture will pass the standards to be shown on Facebook, I’ve decided to reveal the picture here and post a link to it from Facebook instead:

Clive Swersky, Liz Brennan and Devin Collins

I’m sure you’ll agree it is an amazing tattoo, and I want to take this opportunity to thank Devin for giving us the opportunity to capture it in a photo for me to share with you.

Devin, though, is not the first guest to have allowed me to capture his tattoo on his chest in a photograph on the set of Alive with Clive.

The first guest to do so was Ronnie Shingelo, from the band, black bird white sky.

Ronnie was a guest on Alive with Clive in June of 2012, and here are the pictures of the tattoo on his torso and back:


You ought to know, also, that Devin is an phenomenal drummer, as you’ll see in the two shows in which he accompanied Liz Brennan.

Here’s the other picture we took of the three of us without Devin’s shirt:

Devin Collins with Liz Brennan and Clive Swersky, Photo 2

Liz, as mentioned in my previous Blog post, is the self-proclaimed originator of the genre of music known as demented pop, and her invigorating songs leave listeners buzzing with energy.

She recently released a fabulous new single, “Expected To Fly,” which is one of the eight songs she performed during her two shows.

Another is a song with perhaps the longest title of any song ever – “Are You Taking Me Into the Woods to Kill Me or to Show Me the View?”

As previously noted, there is great chemistry between Liz and Devin, and you’re sure to enjoy the two shows on Alive with Clive in which they are featured.

Here are the links to the Shows:

Feel free to leave your comments about the shows, as well as about Devin’s and Ronnie’s amazing tattoos, below.

And let me know if you agree that:

  1. I ought not to post these pictures on Facebook; and
  2. Facebook would not want me to post these pictures on Facebook.

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Thank you.

Best regards.

https://alivewithclive.tvwhere today’s top singer songwriters thrive!


    1. Jennifer Dolphin February 2, 2016
    2. cliveswersky February 2, 2016

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