Serotonen (featuring Jenna Handler and Alex Gold) performs “Untied” on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.
Anthony Melillo sings “That’s My Son” accompanied by his brothers, Joseph and Nick, from his CD, Just Gettin’ Started, on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.
Kylie Edmond accompanied by William Rottman sings “Oh No No” on November 7, 2008, on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.
Joe Venice sings “Fall Apart” on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.
Criso Kardia, accompanied by Marc Montfleury, sings “Never Met A Man Quite Like You Before” on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.
Jessica Labus sings “Bryan’s Song” on March 9, 2007, on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.
Allison Scola sings “Failure Is Impossible” from her CD, A Braver Kind, accompanied by Janie Barnett on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.
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