Michael Lynche

American Idol 2010 contestant, Michael Lynche, sings “Ain’t No Sunshine” on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.

Kat Quinn

Kat Quinn sings “What Love Feels Like” on November 9, 2012, on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.

James Adamo

James Adamo sings Not The End Of The World from his CD, Piece It Together, accompanied by Anthony Maceli on Alive with Clive.

Irena Hart

Irena Makarchuk sings “Heartstrings” on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.

Collette McLafferty with Tom Papadatos

Collette McLafferty sings “Rectify” accompanied by Tom Papadatos of Edible Red, from Edible Red’s CD, Welcome To My Bad Behavior, on February 29, 2008, on Alive with Clive hosted …

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