Daniel Angelus

Daniel Angelus sings “Cold” from his debut album, Synthetic Heartbeats, on Alive with Clive hosted by Clive Swersky.

Robin Irene Moss

October 31 to November 6, 2013 — “Home,” “Broken,” “I Won’t Forget You,” and “Haunted”

Jo Kroger

November 7 to 13, 2013 — “June,” “Morro Bay,” and “Simplest”    

Matthew Kiss

November 14 to 20, 2013 — “Swing,” “Friends with Being Alone,” “Bullets and Bones,” and “Beautifully Broken” — with Henry Colle

Gregory Mendez

November 21 to 27, 2013 — “Northern Comfort,” “Getting Well,” “Buying Drugs with Change,” and “Crooked I”

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