Plane Station — 1st of 2 Shows*


Plane Station, brother-sister duo Nick and Brianna Chiapparino, performs “Sweet Melancholy,” “Lay by My Side,” “Dirt” and “Enough”

Answer the questions from the show below to enter The Alive with Clive New Shows Contest.


1. I mentioned that I invited Plane Station to be on Alive with Clive after I saw the band perform at Rockwood Music Hall, Stage 1. True or False?
2. During this show, did I refer to the album, Bridge Over Troubled Water, by Simon & Garfunkel? Yes or No
3. Nick said that in school his favorite subjects were Math and Biology. True or False?
4. Did Nick mention that when he was a kid he was a birdwatcher? Yes or No
5. Brianna is the designer for the merchandise for Plane Station. True or False?

With The Alive with Clive Crowdfunding Campaign of 2016, Everybody Wins! — To Find Out How, Click Here Now

* Recorded in White Plains, New York, on November 14, 2019.

Blog post about Plane Station | 2nd Show


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