Plane Station , brother-sister duo Nick and Brianna Chiapparino , performs “Sweet Melancholy,” “Lay by My Side,” “Dirt” and “Enough”
Answer the questions from the show below to enter The Alive with Clive New Shows Contest .
1. I mentioned that I invited Plane Station to be on Alive with Clive after I saw the band perform at Rockwood Music Hall, Stage 1. True or False?
2. During this show, did I refer to the album, Bridge Over Troubled Water, by Simon & Garfunkel? Yes or No
3. Nick said that in school his favorite subjects were Math and Biology. True or False?
4. Did Nick mention that when he was a kid he was a birdwatcher? Yes or No
5. Brianna is the designer for the merchandise for Plane Station. True or False?
With The Alive with Clive Crowdfunding Campaign of 2016, Everybody Wins! — To Find Out How, Click Here Now
* Recorded in White Plains, New York, on November 14, 2019.
Blog post about Plane Station | 2nd Show
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