Vote Here for Songs on The Alive with Clive Playlist on Spotify By Clive Swersky On June 21, 2021 No Comments With more than 160 songs on the Alive with Clive Playlist on Spotify, . . . What's the best way to choose the songs to place at the top of the Playlist and promote the most on social media? The answer: --> With your votes! You may vote every day and only once a day. (From time to time, though, you will have a window of opportunity to vote more than once a day. Follow @alivewithclivetvshow on Instagram and Alive with Clive on Facebook to receive announcements about these sporadic special windows of opportunity.) Vote Here for Songs to be at the top of the Alive with Clive Playlist on Spotify: "X" -- aReJay Ella "BODY" -- Paige Howell "IREALLYWANTMYBESTFRIENDBACK" -- Xander Marx "sunkiss" -- Xander Marx "cellular infatuation" -- Xander Marx "beautiful swimmer" -- Xander Marx "Breathe, Decide" -- Rue Snider "Far Too Many Times" -- Scott Krokoff "Easy in the Harness" -- Corey Lewin "Stardust" -- Cassandra Kubinski "Slips Away" -- THE 456 "Hate It Crave It" -- Nina Lee "Stranger" -- Lia Menaker "Partner in Crime" -- Chloe Collins "Now Is The Time" -- Cassandra Kubinski, Songs of Eden "The Band Played On" -- Jes Justice "All My Life" -- Lia Menaker "Somebody Else's" -- Chloe Collins "To Be Human" -- Lia Menaker "Hiding Underneath" -- Cassandra Kubinski "Coming Soon" -- Annie DiRusso "Full Moon Charm Bracelet" -- rorie kelly "Stronger" -- Natalie Gelman "Waves" -- Cassandra Kubinski "7th Street" -- Plane Station "Not Like The Others" -- Chloe Collins "Better Days" -- Natalie Gelman "Most the While" -- Natalie Gelman "Too Little Too Late" -- Chloe Collins "Can't Stop" -- Chloe Collins "Woman Looking Back at Me" -- Lesley Barth "Too Soon" -- Jodi Valentin "Love's on the Run" -- Arielle Eden "Spinning" -- Rue Snider "To Love You" -- Rue Snider "The Path You Must Take" -- Rue Snider "Puzzle Pieces" -- Rue Snider "Four Hands on the Helm" -- Nico Padden "Rearview Mirror" -- Chloe Collins "Electric" -- Jodi Valentin "Gold in the Dirt" -- Tiffany Thompson "Fire In My Soul" -- Danielle Patoir "Swimming In A Dream (2)" -- Danielle Patoir "Red Looks Good On Me" -- Chloe Collins "Never Gonna Let You Go" -- Plane Station "Babe I Do Believe" -- Josh Ward Taylor "Disaster" -- The Lost Wayne "Out in the Night" -- Radiator King "Savin' Up" -- Corey Lewin "Fallin' Behind" -- Corey Lewin "Grateful" -- Corey Lewin "One Million Hearts" -- Cassandra Kubinski "Love Past Him" -- Galia Arad "Satan & the Sailor" -- Will Leet "When I Go Home (Without You)" -- Corey Lewin "Thread" -- Tiffany Thompson "There's That Sunshine" -- Cassandra Kubinski "Liminal Spaces" -- rorie kelly "What We Get" -- rorie kelly "Magick Comin'" -- rorie kelly "Lyin' Streak" -- rorie kelly "Black and White" -- rorie kelly “Heat” — Shelly Bhushan "Tea with Shadows" -- Abby Ahmad "Say You Believe" -- Abby Ahmad "High Diving" -- Abby Ahmad "Somewhere in Between" -- Abby Ahmad "Wind" -- Abby Ahmad "Because" -- Abby Ahmad "Outrun the Night" -- Kate Mills "New Communions" -- Tiffany Thompson "Catch a New Beginning" -- Tiffany Thompson "Unloving You" -- Natalie Gelman "The Devil" -- Natalie Gelman "Some People" -- Natalie Gelman "The Answer" -- Natalie Gelman "Cold Blue Eyes" -- Simon Benegas "Someone's Yesterday" -- Chloe Collins "Mother & Father" -- Nico Padden "Wild Bird" -- Danielle Patoir "Everyday Is A Holiday" -- Danielle Patoir "Crystals" -- Danielle Patoir "Boss" -- Danielle Patoir "Autopilot" -- Danielle Patoir "One Good Reason" -- THE 456 "Armor" -- THE 456 "Ready for What I Came Here For " -- Karen Jacobsen "Lonely" -- THE 456 "The Waterfall" -- Miss Laurie Lehner "Under the Moon" -- Annie Fitzgerald "Photograph" -- Natalie Gelman "Anywhere With You" -- Plane Station "Castles in the Air" -- Plane Station "Stepping Stone" -- Plane Station "Don't Give up on Me" -- Nick Deutsch "Oasis" -- Nick Deutsch, Francesca Milazzo "Talk 2 Me" -- Nick Deutsch "We'll Come Together" -- Craig Greenberg "The Land of Beyond" -- Chuck Ramsey "Don't Look Down" -- Corey Lewin "Talking to Myself out Loud" -- John Taglieri "Keep in Touch" -- Chuck Ramsey "Break Me" -- Jes Justice "Heavy Heavy Heart" -- Natalie Gelman "Haunted" -- Paging Doctor Moon "Dumpster Fire" -- Paging Doctor Moon "Please Get out of My Life" -- Paging Doctor Moon "What Would You" -- Paging Doctor Moon "Lost My Body" -- Paging Doctor Moon "So Long" -- THE 456 "Little Victories" -- THE 456 "Something" -- Lillimure "Lion's Den" -- Galia Arad "Oklahoma" -- Greg Steinfeld "New Person, Old Place" -- Madi Diaz "Nine Months" -- Annie DiRusso "Don't Swerve" -- Annie DiRusso "Vanish" -- Jodi Valentin "Friends Without Benefits" -- Chloe Collins "No Yellow Brick Road" -- Kate Mills "How Could Anybody" -- Theo Kandel "Polyannie" -- Arielle Eden "The View from the Ground" -- Noah Evan Wilson "Sugar Baby" -- Tatiana Lima "The One My Heart Beats For" -- Greg Steinfeld "Don't Look Back" -- Greg Steinfeld "Mind of Mine" -- Chloe Collins "Bubble" -- Lia Menaker "Anchor" -- Carolee Rainey "Wanna Be" -- Kristen Plati "2020" -- Natalie Gelman "More Than You" -- Charlotte Morris "Three Hearts" -- Charlotte Morris "You're Here" -- Charlotte Morris "For a Moment" -- Craig Greenberg "Pinwheels" -- Lesley Barth "Fingerprints" -- Dan Zlotnick "Sagittarius" -- Arielle Eden "Aberdeen" -- Craig Greenberg "Me Myself & I" -- Emily Angell "Your Plan" -- Jean Lee "Aberrations of My Mind" -- Craig Greenberg "Your Love Is Magic" -- Melanie Bresnan "Ex To Ex" -- Chloe Collins "Iron Teeth" -- Noah Evan Wilson "A Child's Eyes" -- Corey Lewin "Waiting" -- James Madx "Sailing" -- Simon Benegas "Shadow of a Man" -- Danny Fishman "Stone" -- Kristen Plati "The Commandment" -- Melanie Bresnan "Haunted House" -- Chloe Collins "Judgements From The World's Greatest Band" -- Annie DiRusso "Hindsight" -- Jodi Valentin "Muscle Memory" -- Melanie Bresnan "Till the End of Time" -- Arielle Eden "Tequila" -- Jeneen Terrana "Rush Hour Life" -- Corey Lewin "Preacher" -- Lesley Barth, Chuck Ramsey "Blue Eyes" -- Jodi Valentin "20" -- Annie DiRusso "Moth Wings" -- Melanie Bresnan "Fresh Water" -- Barleaux "Leave Your Light On" -- Hanna Barakat "Haunts Me Now" -- Radiator King "Don't Wanna Feel" -- Melanie Bresnan "Ghost" -- Jodi Valentin "Busy" -- Melanie Bresnan "Francis" -- Plane Station "Madame Marie" -- Radiator King "Wildfire" -- Hanna Barakat "World on Fire" -- Chloe Collins "Reacquainted" -- Matt Kiss "Lift Up" -- Nina Lee "Fresh" -- Common Jack "Train Song" -- Danny Fishman "Didn't Want You" -- Chloe Collins "Oh Caroline" -- Craig Greenberg ResultsVote To give your favorite singer-songwriter and song a boost, share this page on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest by clicking on the social sharing buttons below. 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