Hello and Welcome:
Sponsors are currently being sought for The 1st Alive with Clive Quest for the Best Song Contest. Phase One has begun and Phase Two is scheduled to begin on May 1, 2014, or as soon as all the sponsors are in place if all the sponsors are not in place by May 1, 2014.
Here are some key highlights about the 1st Contest:
Phase One
- All the singer-songwriters who’ve been interviewed on Alive with Clive after June of 2011 are eligible to qualify to participate in Phase Two of the 1st Contest, provided that their show has already been broadcast in White Plains.
- The 14 singer-songwriters who generate the most votes to be in The Alive with Clive Top 20 in Phase One will be in Phase Two of the Contest.
To see the singer-songwriters and bands who are Contenders in Phase One, starting with Shelly Bhushan on August 22, 2011, and shows that were broadcast after that date, click here.
To vote once, often or every day (but no more than once a day) for singer-songwriters or bands to be in The Alive with Clive Top 20:
Phase Two
- Phase Two of the 1st Contest will take place over 14 weeks.
- To enter the Contest and be eligible to win all 14 prizes (other than the car and vacation package and prizes for the singer-songwriter with the Best Song) provided by the 10 Cash Sponsors and 4 In-Kind Sponsors, a viewer need submit correct answers to five questions from only one show, as well as a vote for the best song from that show, and nominate a charity.
- To be eligible to win either a car or a 6-night, 7-day vacation at a resort with air tickets included, a viewer will need to submit correct entries for all 14 shows in the Contest, as well as vote for the best song in each show, and nominate a charity with each entry.
- The singer-songwriter who generates the most entries for his or her show will win first prize for his or her song that receives the most votes for Best Song. That prize will consist of $6,000 in cash and $6,000 of music equipment or music related services, or a combination of equipment and services. Second prize will be $2,500 and third prize, $1,500.
- Charities will receive from Alive with Clive $10 for every nomination they receive from the first 1,000 correct entries submitted. Sponsors may pay $10 to charities for every correct entry after the first 1,000.