Hello Friends:
Harvard Medical School advises . . .
In an article titled 12 ways to keep your brain young, the first way is stated in this image:
Here’s a reference to another good article in Reader’s Digest with 7 tips to make your brain better, faster and smarter, posted at Talking Health, Wealth and Wisdom on Facebook:
To keep your brain young, as noted above, it’s vital to get mental stimulation.
So, in this Blog post, in addition to telling you how to keep your brain young, I’m also pleased to report that I’ve gone the extra mile to design an activity to give you mental stimulation you otherwise weren’t going to receive.
The activity is contained in the newest Contest I’ve just launched on the Web site for Alive with Clive — The AWC MPMVC.
In this Contest, you have to exercise your brain to crack a Secret Code – nothing too daunting or time-consuming, but just stimulating enough for you to feel that you’ve given your brain a good workout – while having a whole lot of fun and receiving an uplifting reminder in the process!
Now, I have to tell you . . .
To set up this Contest, I applied all ten principles in my acronym, S-U-F-F-I-C-I-E-N-T, I created in my Special Report on 10 Keys to Overcome Procrastination Immediately.
Since I set up this Contest in just the past few days — from conception to completion — in record time, it represents irrefutable proof that when you apply the ten principles in the acronym, S-U-F-F-I-C-I-E-N-T, together to overcome procrastination immediately, they work like magic!
I’m thrilled with how this Contest turned out and can’t wait for you to participate in it.
While there are currently just three prizes to be awarded within the next three months to one person who cracks the Secret Code, to give this Contest some momentum now, out of all the readers of this post who crack the Secret Code before Monday, February 29, 2016, one will win one of the few remaining Alive with Clive Mugs with the original logo, which is increasing in value every day as a collector’s item, and will probably be selling on Ebay for thousands of dollars soon, since less than 100 were originally made and no more are being produced.
Will you be the one to win this Mug?
Speaking of my Special Report . . .
Fortunately for you, there’s still time for you to obtain my Special Report about the acronym, S-U-F-F-I-C-I-E-N-T, with the 10 Keys to Overcome Procrastination Immediately, as well as my Special Report on 7 Tips to Maximize Your Potential ASAP! FREE, before I start charging for them, and if you do obtain these two Special Reports, you could win an Alive with Clive Mug with the new logo.
To obtain these two free Special Reports, plus three other bonuses, click here.
If you want to be one of the first people in the world to crack the Secret Code in the brand new AWC MPMVC before Monday, February 29, so you can win one of the last few remaining Mugs with the previous Alive with Clive logo, CLICK HERE.
Have a magnificent day and week!
Best regards.
https://alivewithclive.tv – creating an upward spiral of brilliance and joy in the world!
P.S. I’m certain you’re going to love spending the few minutes it will take to find the Contest Code Clues to crack the Secret Code in the exciting new AWC MPMVC, and if you do you could win a collection of at least three prizes within the next three months, and the additional prize if you crack the Secret Code before Monday, February 29. So, to participate in the AWC MPMVC immediately, CLICK HERE NOW!