1. Serotonen Serotonen Untied
2. The Melillo Brothers The Melillo Brothers That’s My Son
3. Irena Hart Irena Hart Signs
4. Joe Venice Joe Venice Fall Apart
5. Kylie Edmond Kylie Edmond Oh No No
6. Dan Sheehan Dan Sheehan Rock Song
7. Allison Scola Allison Scola Jump
8. Lisa Redford Lisa Redford Live Your Life
9. Joe Travers Joe Travers Without Love
10. Jeneen Terrana Jeneen Terrana My Creation
11. CassandraKubinski Cassandra Kubinski Cradle the Moon
12. Jason Gisser Jason Gisser Wings of an Angel
13. Scott Krokoff Scott Krokoff A Better Life
14. Jessica Labus Jessica Labus Bryan’s Song
15. Scott Urgola Scott Urgola Don’t
16. Robert Randall Robert Randall Ringing of the Bells
17. John Taglieri John Taglieri Starring Role
18. Lisa Bianco Lisa Bianco PostData/We Communicate
19. Alex P. Taylor Alex P. Taylor Window
20. Daniel Angelus Daniel Angelus Love