Hello Friends:
Here’s a quick update with the latest developments relating to The 1st Alive with Clive 10K Charity Extravaganza, plus a few other items:
1. Latest Press Release
2. Charities Are Beginning To Respond
3. Five Levels of Sponsorship
4. The AWC-MVP
5. This Week on Alive with Clive: Luke Wesley
6. Updated Resources Page on Clive Swersky’s Blog
1. Latest Press Release
For the headline for my latest Press Release, I posed a question. To see the question and the Press Release, go to http://bit.ly/1qK66kP.
2. Charities Are Beginning To Respond
As mentioned in the Press Release, last week I began to notify many more charities about The 1st Alive with Clive 10K Charity Extravaganza, and I’m pleased to report that I’m beginning to receive responses. To date, representatives from these four charities have expressed their interest:
· Kids Helping Kids, CT
· Women’s Centers International
· The Hope Collection; and
· Center for American Military Music Opportunities;
and the logos of the charities they represent are now being shown at https://alivewithclive.tv/for-charities. I’m looking forward to posting the logos of many more charities there in the days ahead.
As I read the Web pages of these charities and others, I find myself being touched, moved and inspired by the difference we can all make for so many by supporting these worthy causes through participation in The 1st Alive with Clive 10K Charity Extravaganza.
3. Five Levels of Sponsorship
As also mentioned in my latest Press Release, I have now created these five levels of sponsorship:
1. Platinum – $10,000 (1 slot available);
2. Gold — $5,000 (2 slots available);
3. Silver — $2,000 (3 slots available);
4. Bronze — $1,000 (4 slots available); and
5. Prize – Greater than $100
If you represent a corporation that would like to be a sponsor at any of these levels, please let me know or fill out the form at https://alivewithclive.tv/be-a-sponsor.
Alternatively, if you know of a representative of a corporation that would consider being a sponsor at any of these levels, please have them contact me or direct them to https://alivewithclive.tv/be-a-sponsor and have them fill out the form there. That would be very much appreciated!
4. The New AWC-MVP Designation
A couple of weeks ago, after noticing the number of plays different shows from Alive with Clive I’ve posted on Vimeo have been receiving, I created a new designation – AWC-MVP – which stands for Most Vimeo Plays, in addition to Most Viewed, Valued or Vivacious Performer – to acknowledge singer-songwriters who raise the bar on the number of plays they receive on Vimeo to a level that is higher than any singer-songwriter has previously received in prior weeks.
For more information about the AWC-MVP designation, scroll down to the footnote below.*
5. This Week on Alive with Clive: Luke Wesley (2nd of 2 shows)
You still have time to see the second of two shows featuring down-to-earth and captivating singer-songwriter, Luke Wesley, sing four of his songs about love, life and relationships, from his latest record, Who Are We Kidding? on This Week on Alive with Clive. And if you submit correct answers to the questions from this show, you’ll be entered in the current contest to win ALL the Prizes!
To see This Week on Alive with Clive, click here or go to http://bit.ly/1bCbC2Z.
And, now you can see not only the current show, but also shows from the last four weeks on Alive with Clive through a link from the main video window on the Home Page at https://alivewithclive.tv.
By watching Luke’s 2nd of 2 shows, you’ll be helping him in his quest to become an AWC-MVP, and I’m sure he will appreciate your support very much!
6. Updated Resources Page on Clive Swersky’s Blog
If you’ve watched any show of Alive with Clive, you’ll know that I start every show with a segment called Clive’s Words of Wisdom, and I also recently announced that, going forward, my Blog is going to be dedicated to Talking Health, Wealth and Wisdom.
I’m thus constantly seeking out ideas and products that provide value for you to enhance your life and fulfill your dreams, and I’ve posted a few new links to products on the Resources page of Clive Swersky’s Blog.
Among the newer products listed, you’ll find:
To find out more about these and other products, go to http://bit.ly/SiWpgp.
That’s all for now, folks.
Have a productive and fulfilling week!
Best regards.
www.alivewithclive.tv — creating synergies between companies, singer-songwriters and charities!
* Additional Information About The AWC-MVP Designation
The first recipient of the designation, AWC-MVP, is Worthy Fools, who received 98 plays during the five weeks their show was available for viewing on Vimeo.
From now on, while as a general rule shows from Alive with Clive aren’t going to be available to the public on Vimeo after five weeks, the shows of guests who become MVPs will remain on Vimeo until another guest becomes the next AWC-MVP. The next guest, though, will need to surpass the number of plays the previous guest had after five weeks.
So, the next guest that surpasses 98 plays on Vimeo will become the next AWC-MVP even if Worthy Fools has more than 98 plays at that time.
There are two other advantages to becoming an AWC-MVP:
1. While a guest is the AWC-MVP, the picture of the guest with a link to the guest’s show on Alive with Clive on Vimeo will appear on the Home Page of the Web site for Alive with Clive;
2. That guest will also appear on a Web page dedicated to guests who are or have been AWC-MVPs; and
3. Whenever a new AWC-MVP emerges, the guest who wins that designation will receive additional recognition and exposure through posts of mine online.
In other words, there are strong incentives now for singer-songwriters who are featured on Alive with Clive to encourage their fans to watch their shows on Alive with Clive on Vimeo so they can become AWC-MVPs!